Absentee Voting
If you’re a registered voter and must be out of town during an election, you may arrange to cast an absentee vote by visiting the Kent County Department of Elections online or by calling 739-4498.
Ambulance Service
Dial 911 for medical emergencies.
Animal Control and Shelter
Animal Adoption: Kent County S.P.C.A. 302-698-3006
Animal Complaints: Report any problems relating to domestic animals or pets to Kent County S.P.C.A.
Animal Licenses: Dogs must be licensed each year. Owners may present proof of rabies vaccination at the S.P.C.A. and obtain a dog license for $5.
Leash Law: The Town of Kenton requires that dogs be leashed when not on the owner’s premises. The Town strictly enforces dogs-at-large violations.
Pooper-Scooper Law: Kenton prohibits any person from failing to remove droppings of their dogs on any public grounds, city parks, or any private property without the consent of the owner, save for property designated for such purpose.
Building Permits and Inspections
Building permits and inspections are available from the Planning and Building Department. Call 744-2450.
Cable Television Service
Comcast Communications: Denney’s Road – 674-3440
Code Enforcement
To report a violation, call Kent County Code Enforcement at 744-2450.
Crime Prevention
Kenton has organized a neighborhood watch programs. Call 302-*** for details.
Curfew Law
Youths under the age of 18 may not be on the streets between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. Friday through Saturday, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Driver’s Licenses
Driver’s Licenses are issued in Dover at the following location:
It is unlawful to dump refuse of any kind in any street, alley or property in Kenton. If you observe anyone illegally dumping, contact *
For information about municipal elections or voter registration, contact the Department of Elections at 739-4498.
Electric Service
Conectiv provides electric service to Kenton homes and businesses. Call Customer Service at 800-375-7117. To report electric outages and emergencies, call 800-898-8045.
Emissions Testing
Vehicle emissions testing is part of the State of Delaware’s strategy to improve air quality. If your vehicle is due for a test, it will be indicated on your registration renewal postcard. You may obtain information about testing facilities, costs, and exemptions from the Motor Vehicle Administration at 744-2510.
Garbage and Trash Collection
Garbage and trash collection service is provided by the following private trash haulers:
BFI: 800-492-5999
Independent Disposal Services: 877-642-5400
History of Kenton
Visit this page for a brief history of Kenton, Delaware.
Home Improvements
Building permits are required before you begin home improvement projects such as room additions, basement finishing, remodeling, and building fences, decks or garages. Contact the Planning and Building Department at 744-2451 for assistance in the building permit process.
Hospital/Medical Services
Bayview Medical Center: 674-4700
640 S. State Street
Walk-in Medical Care: 678-1303
1275 S. State Street
Household Hazardous Materials Disposal
Junk Storage
It is unlawful in Kenton to keep a property in such condition as to be offensive to the neighborhood, including garbage, trash, or junk accumulation. To report a violation, call ***
Kenton’s Mayor may be contacted by writing to [email protected] or by calling 659-0944.
The Kenton Update is a monthly newsletter from the Kenton Town Council featuring current issues, events, programs and meeting dates. The newsletter is mailed to everyone on our email list.
News Journal: 800-235-9100
Circulation (Dover): 734-9100
Delaware State News: 674-3600
Smyrna-Clayton Sun Times: 653-2083
Dover Post: 678-3616
Noise Complaints
The Kenton Town Code prohibits excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noises such as barking dogs, radios or TVs, and social gatherings which annoy or disturb neighbors. To report a violation, contact the State Police by calling 911.
Ordinances, Town
The Town of Kenton Code of Ordinances contains the Town Charter and regulations pertaining to local governance, business operation, law enforcement, citizen responsibilities and the building code. For information about a specific section of the code, visit this page.
Police Department
Kenton does not have its own police force. Call 911 for emergencies or Delaware State Police at 697-4454 for non-emergencies.
Post Office
The Kenton Post Office is located on Frazier Street. All major private express mail carriers provide services in Kenton.
Property Assessments and Taxes
Information regarding property assessments and taxes can be obtained by calling 744-2401.
Recycling Information
Collection bins are located at Main Street, Smyrna and ***
Residents of Kenton are served by the Smyrna School District. For specific information, please call the school directly.
Smyrna Elementary: 653-8638
Smyrna Middle School: 653-8901
Smyrna High School: 653-8581
Snow and Ice Removal
DelDot works hard to keep town streets safe for traffic during snowstorms. The snow removal plan identifies streets that are plowed during storms. Snow removal priorities include arterials (major roads) and trouble spots, collector streets, and school areas. Residents are responsible for shoveling their sidewalks.
Telephone service is provide by Verizon.
Residential Customers: 800-942-5000
Business Customers: 800-427-9911
Town Council
The Kenton Town Council is composed of 5 members who are elected on a non-partisan basis from the town. Provision is made for overlapping terms, with a majority of the members to be elected every two years. Council selects its leader, the Mayor, who presides at public meetings and represents the Town in interactions with other agencies.
Voter Registration
For information about voter registration, contact the Department of Elections online or call 739-4498.
Water/Wastewater Service Lines
In Kenton, property owners are responsible for….
For information about land use, building height requirements, home occupations, property setbacks, and signs, please call 744-2300.