Section 1

It shall be unlawful for any person, group of persons, firm, association or corporation to permit any grass or weed or other vegetation whatsoever other than edible vegetables, trees and flowers to grow higher than twelve (12) inches from the ground on any lot or parcel of ground within the corporate limits of the Town of Kenton, owned by such person, group of persons, firm, association or corporation whether said lot or parcel of ground has or has not erected thereon improvements.

Section 2

Any person, or group of persons, firm, association or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and upon written notification of such, shall have five (5) days to abate said nuisance.

Section 3

The Town of Kenton shall, after five (5) days, inspect the lot or parcel of ground owned by the person, group of persons, firm, association or corporation which was in violation of this ordinance and take actions to abate the said nuisance, if necessary.

Section 4

In case the owner or responsible party for the said lot or parcel of ground shall fail to abate said nuisance, the Town of Kenton shall also give five (5) days written notice once each calendar year (January 1 – December 31) that the Town of Kenton shall proceed, without further notice, to abate said nuisance each time the property is inspected and found to be in violation of this ordinance. The costs thereof shall constitute claim against the owner or owners of said lot or parcel of ground and may be collected as any other fine or cost is collected.

Section 5

When the Town of Kenton is required under this Title to mow lots or when the Town is requested to mow any private property in the Town of Kenton, the charge shall be $100.00 per hour with a minimum charge of $100.00